Close up of The Love Zombie. Happy six month anniversary imaginary boyfriend!!
Attack of the Love virus. (like 28 Days later, get it? lol) Don't ever give your significant other a zombie Valentine.
A total rip off from one of Nav's ideas. His is a lot nicer too. . . It was just too good an idea to not rip off I guess. Forgive me Nate.
and the far away. Im really thinking about getting this as a tattoo on my back. I've wanted to do so all summer.
Kind of an abstract idea of what I really need in life. It turns out that I don't need much, just as long as my spinal cord can grip a pencil I'll be fine. The Close up.
The Mudville 9. Maybe this needs some explaining. There is a poem about baseball called "The Mudville Nine." It's a really awesome poem so for the contest at my Library "Master the Art of Reading" I thought I would illustrate the poem. The mighty Casey is in the middle, pre strike out, the women are sad (and probably have heatstroke) because they know whats coming, and then there's Joe Walsh, singing the second verse of Rocky Mountain Way. "Well he's telling us this and he's telling us that, changes it every day, says it doesn't matter. Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat, playing it play by play, time to change the batter."
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